Questionários Interativos

Ferramentas para identificar transtornos do desenvolvimento de forma eficaz.

A bright, organized classroom with educational materials on the walls. There are colorful alphabet and number charts, a variety of shelves holding different toys, a small table with red chairs, an easel, and a vibrant blue rug featuring sports balls. The room has a welcoming and educational atmosphere.
A bright, organized classroom with educational materials on the walls. There are colorful alphabet and number charts, a variety of shelves holding different toys, a small table with red chairs, an easel, and a vibrant blue rug featuring sports balls. The room has a welcoming and educational atmosphere.
Identificação Precoce

Nossos questionários ajudam na identificação precoce de autismo e TDAH, proporcionando informações valiosas para famílias e profissionais, promovendo um entendimento mais claro sobre o desenvolvimento infantil.

A group of young children sits at wooden desks in a classroom setting, with a teacher assisting them. The children are engaged in writing or drawing activities, wearing clothing typical of an earlier era. The teacher leans over to help some of the children, indicating an interactive and attentive learning environment. The room has a minimalist design with a blackboard and simple furniture.
A group of young children sits at wooden desks in a classroom setting, with a teacher assisting them. The children are engaged in writing or drawing activities, wearing clothing typical of an earlier era. The teacher leans over to help some of the children, indicating an interactive and attentive learning environment. The room has a minimalist design with a blackboard and simple furniture.
Conteúdo Educativo

Oferecemos eBooks especializados que esclarecem dúvidas e empoderam famílias, transformando informação em ação e promovendo um ambiente de aprendizado e apoio para todos os envolvidos.

boy in gray shirt sitting on chair
boy in gray shirt sitting on chair
person using smartphone
person using smartphone
woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime
woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime
Questionário Autismo

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Questionário TDAH

Identifique características e receba feedback sobre TDAH rapidamente.

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Questionário Dislexia

Descubra dificuldades de leitura e receba orientações úteis.

R$ 14,99

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You didn’t come this far to stop

Write a short text about your service

Write a short text about your service

low angle view photography of a gray building
low angle view photography of a gray building
pink metal frame photo
pink metal frame photo
white building
white building

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A group of children is gathered in a classroom setting, with one child in focus smiling broadly and holding a wooden object. The children are wearing uniforms and colorful headbands. A wooden table is visible in the background, along with some classroom furniture.
A group of children is gathered in a classroom setting, with one child in focus smiling broadly and holding a wooden object. The children are wearing uniforms and colorful headbands. A wooden table is visible in the background, along with some classroom furniture.